Share your story, business, ministry online. We can help.
The design of your site greatly effects the impression that a customer acquires of your company or ministry. An appealing and attractive design interests the user in your mission/vision and adds to your ministry or company’s online promotions.
Mobile Ready
Many people do not know, but the exit-rate from visiting a Website on a phone drops considerably if that Website is not built/optimized for Mobile. We will help build a Mobile Website so it automatically recognizes that the visitor is coming from a Mobile or Tablet device. Our WordPress sites are responsive, which means they will automatically adapt to mobile devices like iPhones and iPads. Responsive web design (also known as RWD) is a web design approach that provides optimal viewing across a wide range of devices. One website can accommodate desktop computer monitors, tablets, and mobile phones. This saves you development time, as well as reduces ongoing maintenance costs.
We Design with WordPress
WordPress is web software you can use to create a highly functional website or blog. The core of WordPress is built by hundreds of community volunteers, and when you’re ready for more there are thousands of plugins and themes available to transform your site into almost anything you can imagine. Over 25 million people have chosen WordPress to power their website or blog.
Let’s Create Something Together
Relivit Media Productions, LLC.
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