About Relivit

Scott Eikenberry FilmingRelivit Media Productions, LLC. was founded by Scott Eikenberry in 1999.

RELIVIT Media Productions (pronounced Re-live-it), was started in 1999 after needing a short 4 minute video produced for a Christian youth event.  We had many creative ideas and the skills to make this happen, but we were lacking the proper video equipment needed to get the quality video that was desired.  One night, God clearly put it on our hearts to make a list of video recording items that were needed.  Three days after we made this list, someone came to our door, said they wanted to help us and asked if we had any specific needs. To our surprise, they ended up writing us a check for us to purchase the thousands of dollars of video equipment that we had just listed on paper!  A few years later, Relivit Media Productions, LLC. was officially established.

Why Relivit Media Productions?  CLICK HERE

Now, for over 26 years and hundreds of video projects and websites later, we continue to specialize in the area of helping ministries and non-profits with video production and Website Development. Although we do 98% of work for ministries, we are open to select “non-ministry” related projects.

Throughout the years, we have continued to upgrade equipment and continue to offer professional high quality recordings. We use some of the latest professional video/audio recording Unity Recording - Scottequipment and also use professional video lighting, editing software and other needed equipment.

We can deliver your final video project to you in a variety of formats including online delivery, DVDs, Thumb Drives, and various other formats for your social media and live event (projection) video needs.

When working with you, you will get our full attention to your project.  Going the extra few miles is standard practice for us as you can read in (What others are saying).  Give us a call or send an e-mail and we can talk about your video/media needs.  We would love to meet you and help you in any way we are able.

Scott Eikenberry – Owenr/Producer
elivit Media Productions, LLC.

We would love to hear from you.  Please call us or use the contact form below.